Dila stands for Dutch Intercontinental Legal Aid and is an initiative of Kleijweg Lawfirm and Lawfirm Groen in The Hague.
Dila is not a lawfirm  or a company and it is neither an organization or an entity.
Dila is a tool.

Dila was set up to make the Dutch legal system accessible to everyone in the world, regardless of financial capacity or any other status of the person.
Access to the Dutch legal system requires that you have a reasonable and concrete interest and that your problem is related to the Netherlands in such a way that the Dutch court has jurisdiction to rule on your case.
This is usually the case if you have a legal problem with someone who lives in the Netherlands or is a Dutch citizen.
It is also the case if you have a problem with the Dutch government or a part of it. For example, if you have applied for a visa and it has been refused.
For more information and examples, see the page “What matters can Dila help you with”. 



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